About George




I was not born to be confined in a cubicle, nor to be the slave of another. I was born to be free, to explore, to discover parts of life and myself. I was born to document this life, this journey, and this existence that I have. I do not do so for fame, fortune nor for the appeasement of others. I do so to inspire others to arise and to do the same, for life is short and we have a story to tell.
– George Mercado

George Mercado is a talented multimedia professional, with decades of experience in graphics, design, video, and photo work. He is the owner of Graphicola Studios and one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He is a leader in his community, an entrepreneur, and the current Worshipful Master of his Masonic Lodge in 2023.

However in truth, when we look past all that, George is just a simple man. A man who loves nature, who loves God, and a man who dedicates his life to the journey. A journey of evolution, of self-discovery, but above all else the journey of enlightenment and spiritual growth.

For alas, as George always says:  “It is the footsteps we leave behind that pave the way for others to follow, be careful where you step. Make your life matter, make each day count, inspire others to be great, and teach them to love life, and all the beauty that God has created.”

My journey is not my own, but the journey of many others who wish to journey as I do. 

– George Mercado